米国防総省CAP(Department of Defense Computer/Electronic Accommodations Program:電子調整プログラム)では、最高の科学技術を駆使して、最重度のチャレンジドまでもを政府機関や企業に送り出し、チャレンジド雇用を促進しています。米国の「差別禁止」は「誰もが働き、タックスペイアになる権利がある」「政府はそれを達成する義務がある」という基本姿勢に貫かれています。
<by ナミねぇ>
News Release
OFCCP News Release: [12/08/2011]
Contact Name: Laura McGinnis or Mike Trupo
Phone Number: (202) 693-4653 or x6588
Release Number: 11-1614-NAT
US Labor Department seeks to improve job opportunities for Americans with
disabilities by setting historic hiring goal for federal contractors and subcontractors
WASHINGTON - The U.S. Department of Labor is proposing a new rule that would require federal contractors and subcontractors to set a hiring goal of having 7 percent of their workforces be people with disabilities, among other requirements. The department's Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs invites public comment on this proposal, which will be published in the Dec. 9 edition of the Federal Register.
ワシントン-アメリカの労働省は数ある義務の中でとりわけ、連邦政府と取引のある企業、連邦政府と直接契約を結んでいる企業と取引のある企業に対し、各企業における障害者雇用率の目標値を7%に定め、その数値を達成することを義務付ける新規定を提言した。同省のOFCCP(連邦契約履行プログラム局)はこの規定案について公的意見調査を行う。その投稿方法に関してはFederal Register (米国官報)12月9日版にて掲載される。
OFCCP's proposed rule would strengthen the affirmative action requirements established in Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 obligating federal contractors and subcontractors to ensure equal employment opportunities for qualified workers with disabilities. The proposed regulatory changes detail specific actions contractors must take in the areas of recruitment, training, record keeping and policy dissemination - similar to those that have long been required to promote workplace equality for women and minorities. In addition, the rule would clarify OFCCP's expectations for contractors by providing specific guidance on how to comply with the law.
"This proposed rule represents one of the most significant advances in protecting the civil rights of workers with disabilities since the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act," said Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis. "President Obama has demonstrated a commitment to people with disabilities. This proposed rule would help federal contractors better fulfill their legal responsibility to hire qualified workers with disabilities."
「この規定案は、ADA法可決以来、働く障害者の人権を守るにあたって最も重要なあゆみのひとつといえます。オバマ大統領は障害者に対する国の責任を明示しています。この規定案によって、連邦政府と取引のある企業は、職務に適任の人を雇用するという法的責任をいっそう果たしていくことでしょう。」 と労働省長官は語っている。
Although Section 503 regulations have been in place for decades, the current unemployment rate for people with disabilities is 13 percent, 1 1/2 times the rate of those without disabilities. Even more discouraging, data published last week by the department's Bureau of Labor Statistics show stark disparities facing working-age individuals with disabilities, with 79.2 percent outside the labor force altogether, compared to 30.5 percent of those without disabilities.
"For nearly 40 years, the rules have said that contractors simply need to make a 'good faith' effort to recruit and hire people with disabilities. Clearly, that's not working," said OFCCP Director Patricia A. Shiu. "Our proposal would define specific goals, require real accountability and provide the clearest possible guidance for employers seeking to comply with the law. What gets measured gets done. And we're in the business of getting things done."
「おおよそ40年間、この規定は連邦政府と取引のある企業に障害者の求人、採用にただ単に“誠実に取り組むよう”に命じてきただけです。明らかに、これでは何にもなっていないんです。」と、OFCCPのディレクターは言う。 「我々の出す案は、具体的な目標を明確にし、正しい説明責任を義務付け、法に順守しようとする雇用者へ可能なかぎり明確なガイダンスを提供するというものです。目標とする数値が入っていれば、より具体的になります。そうすれば物事をやり遂げる準備が整います。」
Establishing a 7 percent hiring goal for the employment of individuals with disabilities would be a tool for contractors to measure the effectiveness of their affirmative action efforts and thereby inform their decision-making. The proposed rule also would enhance data collection and record-keeping requirements - including for documentation and processing of requests for reasonable accommodation - in order to improve accountability. Additionally, it would ensure annual self-reviews of employers' recruitment and outreach efforts, and add a new requirement for contractors to list job openings to increase their pools of qualified applicants.
In addition to Section 503, OFCCP enforces Executive Order 11246 and the Vietnam Era Veterans' Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974. As amended, these three laws require those who do business with the federal government, both contractors and subcontractors, to follow the fair and reasonable standard that they take affirmative action and not discriminate in employment on the basis of sex, race, color, religion, national origin, disability or status as a protected veteran. For general information, call OFCCP's toll-free helpline at 800-397-6251 or visit its website at http://www.dol.gov/ofccp/ .